Friday, September 9, 2011


When I was a child I kept a diary, in English.  Every evening before going to bed, I would write a full page of what happened to me that day, or what I needed to review and re-think before going to sleep.  It was a way to practise my English, but more so to sort my thoughts and to rejoice in the story of my life.  I wouldn't skip a single day, no matter how tired I was.  My story would always end on the last line of the page, never before.

I want to use this blog much in the same way (to practise my English :)) as I used my diaries.  To sort my mosaic thoughts at the end of the day, to review my work, to make arrangements with myself about how to work better, work harder, to encourage myself, to inspire myself and to inspire others.

 I read somewhere "spend time in your studio every day, even if you only re-arrange some materials or sit and shift things around".  It helps to stay close to your work and to organize your projects.  This blog equally is a good place to do so.  To re-arrange my thoughts and my mosaic priorities.


I would like to add, "spend time in your head every day, even if you only re-arrange some thoughts, get rid of some obsolete ones, improve some faulty ones", it is good to re-think and re-joice.

Pictured above and below are both of my studios: my official one in Belgium (last photograph), where I teach, and my make-shift one in Bangkok, where I camp out until I can get back to the real one.

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